Announcement : 

"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini"

Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.

Principal's Welcome

Ko Whakaangi te maunga
Ko Tokatoka te awa
Ko Tokerau te moana
Ko Mamaru te waka
Ko Aputerewa te marae
Ko Ngai Takiora te hapu
Ko Ngā Puhi te iwi
Ko Zara toku ingoa

Nau mai haere mai! Here at Waatea School our mission is to develop well-rounded, socially adept and culturally aware graduates capable of operating across two worlds – te ao Māori me te ao Pākeha. We encourage our tamariki to know who they are, where they come from, and to be proud of their identity, culture and language.

We promote and support our akonga to develop a lifelong love of learning – the Waatea way! We believe that with kura and whanau working together, each child can reach their full potential. We are proud of our learning-focused school culture and thrive on being located at our local Ngā Whare Waatea Marae. Our core values of Whānaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga, and Kotahitanga are reinforced and encouraged in all aspects of school life at Waatea School.

Ka rere taku manu ki ngā tōpito o te takiwā
Kei runga noa atu tana rerenga hei Manutaki mo te hapori
My manu flies to the extremes of our region
It soars high, watching over our community

Zara Buckman



School Calendar

Tuesday, October 15

ARDS Mobile unit on site
All Day

Wednesday, October 16

ARDS Mobile unit on site
All Day
Girls Got Game
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Thursday, October 17

ARDS Mobile unit on site
All Day


School Calendar

Tuesday, October 15

ARDS Mobile unit on site
All Day

Wednesday, October 16

ARDS Mobile unit on site
All Day
Girls Got Game
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Thursday, October 17

ARDS Mobile unit on site
All Day

Ko Te Pane o Mataoho

te Maunga

Ko Oruarangi te Awa

Ko Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa

te Moana

Ko Tainui te Waka

Ko Waikato te Iwi

Ko Te Waiohua te Hapū

Ko Kingi Tuheitia te Rangatira

Ko Waatea te Marae

Ko Waatea te Kura

Our Values