Announcement : 

Whānau Ora

Tamariki Ora, Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora is about the wellbeing of whānau, from our young babies to our nanny and koko. It’s about whānau making their own decisions and determining their own path in relation to their own circumstances. By focusing on the entire whānau rather than separately on individuals, whānau are able to piece together overarching strategies which resolve a lot of their normal everyday problems. Whānau Ora empowers whanau to be resourceful and resilient so that each whānau member can have a happy and healthy life. At Te Kura Maori o Waatea, our tamariki are our future. We encourage these concepts into our learnings so that they may become transformative and independent individuals amongst their whānau. Whānau Ora is a journey – not a destination, and is unique for all whānau. If you feel that your whānau have some ongoing issues which you need help getting sorted, let us know. Our priority is that our tamariki have a healthy and engaging learning environment – at kura and in their homes.

Call us on 0800 922 832 and we can arrange an initial meeting for you at a time and place which suits you.

You can contact our Sponsor MUMA on 0800 866 862 to arrange an initial meeting with them and yourself. They can provide access to whānau grants, food parcels, budgeting services and support and advice around safety, care and protection.